Information about the DIER

Information about the DIER

Information regarding the Department of Industrial and Employment Relations
(persuant to Article 17 of the Freedom of Information Act)

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Mission Statement, Functions & Structure

The mission statement of the Department of Industrial and Employment Relations (DIER) is to protect the interests of workers holding employment contracts while, in a spirit of social partnership, actively promote a healthy relationship and contribute towards stable industrial relations.  This remit is achievable through the enforcement of the Employment and Industrial Relations Act (EIRA), which was approved by Parliament in December 2002 and set out the framework for the adoption of the EU Labour Acquis.  It also established the responsibilities of the Director responsible for the implementation and enforcement of this Act and subsidiary legislation.  The Director General thus has overall responsibility for the functions carried out by the Department, which are hereby described:
  • Provision of effective machinery for the establishment of standard conditions of employment, in consultation with the social partners, and their eventual promulgation as legal instruments;
  • Provision of the necessary monitoring and enforcement of employment conditions as established by law;
  • Regulating employment contracts in an equitable manner so as to ensure that rights and obligations pertaining to each party in the contract are observed;
  • Protection of workers whose employment relationship has been terminated by an employer;
  • Eliminating discriminatory practices;
  • Provision of support services to the Industrial Tribunal, Guarantee Fund Administration Board and Employment Relations Board;
  • Provision of effective mediation and conciliation in order to reduce industrial actions and trade disputes;
  • Promotion of good relationship between employers’ and workers’ representatives.

The Structure of the Department is made up of the Office of the Director General and four units namely the Support Services Unit, the Investigative Unit, the Legislative, International Affairs & Research Unit and the Customer Support Unit.

The Director General, Industrial & Employment Relations being also the Head of Department is responsible for the whole strategic overview of the Department’s operations and functions.  She is aided by two Assistant Directors. who are responsible for the four units that compose the DIER. 

The Director General's office is in addition responsible for the registration of Trade Unions; and employers’ associations, the provision of machinery for the voluntary settlement of trade disputes in terms of the Act and promoting such settlement and the preparation of draft employment legislation.

 Investigative Unit

This unit is responsible for monitoring conditions of employment and processing complaints of workers who are still in employment.  This involves an ongoing programme of inspections to target particular sectors or to investigate specific complaints. This unit also investigates complaints of employees whose employment has been terminated, whether of their own accord or by the employer and is also responsible for referral of cases to the Law Courts. 

Customer Support Unit

This unit provides customer care services to employees /employers who have queries and complaints regarding conditions of employment. Such queries and complaints can be received directly from the person concerned (walk-ins), through correspondence, via e-mail or even anonymously.

 Legislative, International Affairs & Research Unit

This unit maintains contacts at technical level with Governments and other international bodies including the E.U., the European Labour Authority and the International Labour Organisation. It coordinates closely with local associations and organisations which have a role to fulfil in protecting the interests of parties engaged under an employment contract. This unit is also responsible for labour research, library and archives and the registration of employment agencies.

Support Services Unit

This unit provides for administrative support services to the whole Department including the administration of the department’s budget, revenue and expenditure, issuance and adjustment of salaries and honoraria payments to Board members, administration of PMPs, progressions, allowances, , the departmental inventory, supplies’ stores etc.  Through its Green Leader, this Branch also oversees environmental issues within the DIER.  Other tasks taken up by this Branch include the implementation of the Freedom of Information Act and health and safety issues at Departmental level. The Department also offers support services to the Industrial Tribunal​ 

Implementation of the Freedom of Information Act

The DIER’s administrative offices are at No. 121, Melita Street, Valletta.  Any Freedom of Information related application or complaint delivered by hand should hence be forwarded to this address where the offices of Ms. Diane Vella-Muscat, Freedom of Information Officer (FOIO) and Mr Anthony Azzopardi, alternate FOIO are situated.  Working hours are between 0700hrs and 1600hrs for the period 1st October to 15th June and between 0700hrs and 1300hrs for the summer period between 16th June and 30th September. FOI requests may be submitted by sending an e-mail to, through the FOI portal​ via the e-ID or through the online form. 

If an applicant for information is in this regard unsatisfied with the reply received from the DIER, s/he may forward a complaint in terms of the Department’s Internal Complaints Procedure.  This applies if the Department fails to meet the deadlines or send the relevant notifications.  A complaint may therefore be lodged by email to:, through the FOI portal via the e-ID or through the online form. The FOI Officer shall inform the complainant about the outcome of his/her complaint within 10 working days and inform about the possibility to lodge an appeal with the Information and Data Protection Commissioner (IDPC) in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act, Cap. 496.

Categories of Documents held by the DIER

Director General’s Office

Documentation on National Policy formulation, Internal Policies, Trade Disputes and Registration of Trade Unions and Employers Associations.

Investigative Unit

Documentation regarding Inspectorate and Terminations queries and investigations, Employers' inspected and under investigation, Director's Permits, Approvals and Authorisations (Authorisation in respect of Fines [Article 19 of EIRA], Permissions for the employment of Minors [L.N. 440 of 2003], Approvals for temporary less favourable conditions of employment [Article 42 of EIRA]), Notifications to Director (Posting of Workers, Collective Redundancies, etc), Verification of Trade Unions membership.

Customer Support Unit

Documentation regarding customer queries and complaints such as employment contracts, employment history, engagement/termination forms payslips etc.

 Legislative, International Affairs & Research Unit

Documentation regarding E.U., the European Labour Authority and ILO such as briefing notes, memos and position papers.

Support Services Unit

Personal Files and documentation relating to Procurement, Accounts, HR matters, and Self-Employed Loan Scheme. Documents related to Industrial Tribunal cases.

Contact Information:

 Contact Name

Department for Industrial and Employment Relations 
121, Melita​​ Street,
Valletta - Malta 
VLT 1121​
View map
1575 for Employees
1576 for Employers
